
Books are the temples of knowledge
Which invite to a world of their own.
They open a road for us
And make us go into deep thoughts

Friends are the flowers
That bloom in my life.
They have the petals that
Never fall from my life.

A seed sprouts and a life is born.
You are a tree, my friend
Stretching your hands to the sky.

When the school reopens,
We go with a new smile.
When the school opens,
We carry a new bag.

A snowy day on the sides of the Red sea
The city seems to be covered
With dazzling snow sparkles.
The roads feel like to be deserted

Rivers are like the veins in a body.
They carry the blood of a nation.
Rivers are rich during monsoons
They are poor in summer.

My dreams have many friends
As my friends too have many dreams.
We have therefore many many dreams.
My dreams have no school and exams

Here comes the summer
With the sunlight giving freshness.
My mouth waters for the melting icecreams
To make this summer happy.

You have a beautiful face
With the blooming petals.
You make our heart
Smell the world of beauty.


There you are with the blowing trees
And the rising Sun in the sky.
You give a home to us
With the juicy smell of flowers.

In the shining morning they come
With a bowl of news.
Not only news, entertainment as well
Newspaper gives us.

In holidays what will I do?
In holidays what will my teachers do?
No bells, no classes, no lunch break!
In holidays my friends go to their cousins`homes.

A blue world of water
It`s a blue friend of the blue sky.
It`s the Pacific of our globe.
The Pacific is deep and it has homes for dolphins,

It goes hooting and hooting
On the iron rods long.
It goes whistling and whistling
Along houses and smiling people.

We like no crows
As they are black like a night.
We like doves
As they are white like a day.

Nobody follows you in your sadness
But everybody follows you in your happiness
But there is a person who follows
You in your happiness and sadness

I like mountains high,
Though I can`t climb.
I like the clouds above them
Though I can`t move by them.


Keerthana Dinesh is the only daughter of Mr Dinesh Nair a lecturer in English who is a popular poet member. She is a student of Nalanda Vidya Niketan at Vijayawada.A consistant winner at variuos literary competitions and an active participant in organisational activities at school, she is the Vice Captain of the Upper Primary Wing. Her works have appeared in the YOUNG WORLD Segment of the HINDU. She writes poems quite on her own just to make use of her free time and she expects the visitors to the site to pass constructive comments on her poems.)

The Best Poem Of KEERTHANA DINESH 1998


Books are the temples of knowledge
Which invite to a world of their own.
They open a road for us
And make us go into deep thoughts

We have books on different topics
To be active throughout the day.
Books will never be a bore to us
They will be interesting, exciting and like..

When we read a book
We get a feeling in our hearts.
They are our good friends ever
Please, don`t keep them in the shelves.


romio 01 December 2017


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vivek 01 December 2017

poets poem and hid theme of poem how he describes his poem i like that very much thanks poem you had realy published a very good poets poem keep it up friends and help other peoples like me

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vivek 01 December 2017

very good poem i liked it doing good keep it up gyues.........

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