Kaity Desrosiers

Kaity Desrosiers Poems

Set beneath the fall leaves,
Stand sand beneath my feet.
A breeze rushes the ocean tides, and
Swallows the last of my footsteps.

When I had nothing,
And held out my hand to help you,
You kicked me in return.
Yet, I stayed humble.

That Spanish fly,
That gave you rise in the morning day.
She played your heart like a banjo.
Deceitful lies,


It was when I shut my eyes,
You gave meaning to each footstep.
You drove me into the light of my life.
I gave up the rift of my shattered past.

Hues of red flesh,
Seek my flourescent eyes of blue.
Blue you run through my veins.
Blue you are a rear color of the moon.

My heart stops,
My body convulses.
Creating an end.
My death.


You stepped into my dreams.
My vision complete.
Through my visage,
We became a mirage.


I yearn for the simplicity of your voice.
The taste of your lips.
The caress of your hands.


Love me in June.
A sense of bliss
On this rainy summer kiss.
Thoughts of you


Although I still believe in you, but it is not at this moment.
Maybe I am blinded by my needs to feel loved, and
in hopes that It's everlasting.
Why must I give up on subjects such as these, because I've seen nothing but deceit.


Before my eyes
Our souls collided
When God provided
Lessons upon blessings

During my nights of refuge,
I find myself paused in emotion.
Can't help but feel imprisoned
Without you.

Rain at dawn
Defined during
Spring bloom.
Rose petals written


Facade of walls surround me,
Darkened my heart, and
Never to be still my soul.
I am beyond these constraints


Beside you,
I walked
To see you shine.
How you taunt me

As her skin is as such.
Sunkist tusks glistened
Whilst she beamed

Shattered, yearning for stability.
His past love tainted,
Now his heart is battered,
And seeks tranquility.

City Lights U
City Heights U
Crystal Balls U
City Walls U

Finally, I realized
This world I'm living in.
With hate, and

Love began
With a glance
For a little romance.

The Best Poem Of Kaity Desrosiers

My Prayer

Set beneath the fall leaves,
Stand sand beneath my feet.
A breeze rushes the ocean tides, and
Swallows the last of my footsteps.
Along the sea of pain,
The direction of the salt water
Guides my fears, and
Swallows tranquility.
Ocean I have looked to the skies....
O sky of hope
Give me light in the morning days.
When I rise,
Fill my eyes with compassion and joy.
Deliver me from the deception that swallowed me.
Guide me as I set in your direction.....Oh sky of hope.

Kaity Desrosiers Comments

Hebert Logerie Sr. 14 June 2015

Kaity, I love the imagery of your poems. Please do not stop writing. Pretty soon, more poetry aficionados will be reading and sharing your beautiful and thoughtful poems.

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