DorcusEvelyn Mbaruku

DorcusEvelyn Mbaruku Poems

She opened up,
All that was hidden,
Sides that have always been covered,
Her dark outside,

A mother holds her child's hand, walking stealthy,
For the heat have their feet scorched,
Everything burns, the sand too,
The little one's feet are swollen, staring....

Grant me the bravest Almighty,
That I may take another round,
And not to despair in the tempest, I need a rockmade in it's pound,
Right in my ribs' chest, where your love is found,

The Best Poem Of DorcusEvelyn Mbaruku

She Opened Up...

She opened up,
All that was hidden,
Sides that have always been covered,
Her dark outside,
That knew no pride,

he knew she was more, more
Than the light and the dark,
Leaned and kissed the insecurity,
She wanted acceptance,
Yearned relief,

He gave her more...
He gave her beauty!
The darkside never got light,
But became a beauty,
she never want rid.

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