Basanta Lohani

Basanta Lohani Poems

I watch the sun pass by
That is what I’ve been doing
Days passed, months rolled and years slipped away
But I am never tired of watching the sun pass by.

My infancy blazes
In silent hate
Like fire in dried grass
And smolders in the subconscious.

With anguish oozing like dewdrops
I came to the Lord's playground.
It is Brindavan.

When mortals refuse to reconcile
Vulgar pretensions flourish
To conceal the oppressor’s psyche
Like a dam

Philosophical musings
Gushing out of half-baked brains
Form a mushy tarn
Smelling of stagnant shrewdness.

परसम्म फैलिएको
पातलिएको त्यो पहाडी जङ्गलको
उकालो वरालो बाटोमा
रात परेपछि म्यान्टोलको उज्यालोमा

Why are you cheesed, my friend?
Why so drained out and starved?
Why accumulate only to grudge?

Multiple plays
Multiple players
Each playing its own to outwit the other
Using one against the other

In the battlefield
war horses fight for him
Because he is stripped of
What they enjoy the most

के मान्छे यात्रा विहीन हुन सक्छ? -
अवश्य सक्छ
यदि उ भीडमा हराएको छ भने
अभाव भन्ने बित्तिकै हामी भौतिक अभाव मान्छौँ

बन्दुकाको निसाना लाग्दा लाग्दा
रक्ताम्मे भएको मन
अब नदुख्ने भइसकेको छ
त्यसैले चरैतिरबाट निशाना दागिरहेका

A flower can bloom
In the wildness of nature
Without you nurturing it.
You are a Nobdy.

Life is a cruel joke.
You come across con artists
Who have looted institutions
Reducing them to rubbles

I remember
When I was defeated
You gave me a hero’s welcome
My darling, you were a puzzle then.


A void encompassing
Mountains and planes
Rivers and lakes
Forests and villages

Tormented voices echo all around the valley
Their ripples dissolving in the distant woods
Mingle with the quiet river
And blow with the wind.

तीन खेलहरु
तीन खेलाडीहरु
प्रत्येकले आफ्नो खेल मात्र खेलिरहेका छन्
आर्कोलाई परास्त गर्न

एउटा प्रवाह
न आदि न अन्त्य

यात्री धेरै छन्
तर कुन यात्राबाट कहा पुग्ने
देबालयमा पुग्ने कि
अनाथालयमा पुग्ने

तिम्रो प्रत्येक बिहानीमा
मैले हरियाली ओढेको छु
जीवनको हरेक क्षणमा
एउटै गीत गाएको छु

The Best Poem Of Basanta Lohani

I Watch The Sun Pass By

I watch the sun pass by
That is what I’ve been doing
Days passed, months rolled and years slipped away
But I am never tired of watching the sun pass by.

In a setting of obscurity
That breeds more procrastination
Fuelling anger inside me
To be released in grandiose inaction.

Begetting more inaction
Which is yawning at me
The sun looks youthful
While fading behind the mountain.

But I am not
And I watch the sun pass by.

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