Amelia C

Amelia C Poems

He’s overweight
she’s underweight –
they used to compensate
for each other.

I travel
the circumference of a circle:
its dull, despondent ring
of friction pierces

I am not ackee and saltfish for breakfast,
or curried goat for lunch.
I prefer chickens alive
than seasoned for supper.


To you I am luminous red—
my creation
that together we nourished,
in silence

Together we’d sip coffee
while nights regressed,
while we homed new wrinkles
alongside old ones,

Notice the quick, quiet strength
of a perfectly performed grand jeté.
Clean, icy water lashing over smooth pebbles,
the urgency of a hushed stream.

This is how it will go:
on the day
you’ll find me up front,
suited, heeled, the most nonchalant

to A

Write other things, they say
but it is poetry that I want to write


He says
he likes my voice over the phone
He says
he likes to go to the movies with me

On the way to flyball we passed an incomplete building, the attached poster advertised a forthcoming retirement home, opposite a graveyard.


Be the coxswain of my boat
and steer my eager shell,
I’ll be the gate that grips
your shaft

You thought I’d:
my teeth

When she thought she was special
I was pleased she misunderstood

when she mentioned getting married

I dreamt you broke
in to my house
through an open window.
I found you

Amelia C Biography

Amelia C - Dispelling the notion that she's rather more academic than poetic. Comments both welcome and appreciated!)

The Best Poem Of Amelia C

Past Lovers

He’s overweight
she’s underweight –
they used to compensate
for each other.
Now they sit
on opposite sides,
neither ask
have you met another?

He smoothes his hair
and wonders
if she’s noticed.
She straightens her skirt
and thinks
forty pounds wasted.

But she spots the new cut
and wonders why
he’s had it.
He sees the skirt
and thinks
she never looked so good.

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