Alexis Pena Goco

Alexis Pena Goco Poems

your presence was like the sky,
delicate in its intent and tenuously present
or like a shadow that followed me everywhere,
discomforting in reproach noticing fixedly my faults,

Oh song shark -
though thong, dark rubber leggings
beseech you, marked-cover beddings
beneath me; Inhales and exhales

Momma, daddy
I love you too much
Pappy's happy

I dialled your number and called you about an hour ago
it appeared to me that you were not interested in answering
I was glad that you did and we got to talk

Assemblage of immorality
a series of my low self esteem
congregating from the past
For shame! My regrettable truths

you arrived at the door
how becoming it was of you,
arriving so timely
hurriedly devoured the reflection

at times I burn the cinderblock
to rhyme or mime a nice pile of burnt cinder
as shavings I keep in a sack 'n' lock

(use of famous quoutation[s] within poetry)

Here I sit booked and waiting
I recall your voices and remember

Alexis Pena Goco Biography

Six Places - A Collection of Six Poems - Volume One is an intimate portrait of separation and confrontational self awareness. This is a poetry art book; included are colorful illustrations and digital images composed by the author. Also included are the fine art photography works of Michel Demanche, complimenting the poetry and bringing this published work to a new level of artistry. This is a hard-to-find item. Written in 2006/Published in 2007, re-released in 2008 with Michel Demanche I have been keeping a journal since a very young age which has evolved into writing poetry. I organize my personal life so that writing and creating is part of my daily life. I am inspired foremost by music, film, romance, loneliness, and the dark arts. When I imagine vivid images in my mind, I am motivated to write about it. During the creative process when I paint or draw a picture - I am ignited to write. Some of my major influences are Lourdes Pena Goco - my mom, Robert Henri, Lotte Lehmann, Betty Edwards.

Six Places - A Collection of Six Poems - Volume One (Six untitled poems) is now also available as an audio poetry book, beautifully mastered in dolby stereo. A narrative recital of the Six Places poems accompanied in music by Kevin Macleod. This storylike collection of poems is a serenata of song that will ritually perform for the listener. Other poems available here are also featured in audio and anthology publications(Beautiful Poem, Key to Cease, Never Look Up, aka Ms. Placed, Cigarettes, Crossdressing and Song-Poems))

The Best Poem Of Alexis Pena Goco

(untitled) From 'six Places'

your presence was like the sky,
delicate in its intent and tenuously present
or like a shadow that followed me everywhere,
discomforting in reproach noticing fixedly my faults,
I turned away twice, blistered with embarassment
then consulted you in my day dreams and libido
and how readily available you are

your confidence reminded me of
an idol figure attending with sympathy
and observation, and myself in affinity
without avowal, analogous and equal
and how quickened and exalted you are

you passed judgement on your perceptions
of me and diluted your own faults
and misfired these
while I reclaimed advantageous position of you
'til I created a memory akin to your disposition
and how forgetful you are

I conjure your presence day and night
and awaken the future with me arousing
to call forth your response to inflame us
and how impressionable you are

I will and mold three dimensions
illuminated with your hues
that you notice before any of my
misconstrued self concepts
and how infatuated you are

I hope to see myself
through the eyes of the beholder
and imprint in my mind myself anew
and how longing you are
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