Francis Duggan Laughter Poems

The Sound Of Laughter

The sound of laughter is a thing of beauty for laughter spreads the very gift of joy
That people they are drawn to happy people is not that hard for to understand why
Since everybody wishes to be happy and laughter it spreads happiness around
And only the heartless could not like the sound of laughter for laughter is a very happy sound,

We Need Some Laughter In Our Lives

We need some laughter in our lives since laughter makes us happy
I know this bloke he never smiles like baby with wet nappy
He always seems so close to tears for him I do feel pity
Financially well to do and spiritually poor many like him in this City

The Joy Of Their Laughter

The children are playing football in the park off of the street
The joy in their laughter it does sound so sweet
'Tis true youth is such a marvellous thing
Like the flowers of the fields that bloom lovely in Spring.

The Gift Of Laughter

The gift of laughter is a rare gift it is such a wonderful thing
And laughter can create more laughter to it there is such a beautiful ring
The people who laugh seem to make friends quite easily and in numbers their friends seem to grow
But the people who take life too seriously are the people few wish to know.

Laughter Is The Known Source

Yesterday's gone make the most of today
The happy go lucky laugh their cares away
A lonely person the sad sack of the town
Few wish to know of you when you are feeling down

Laughter Of Children

The sun behind gray clouds is hidden away
For the southern August one might say a typical Winter's day
But nearby to where i stand the sound of joy abound
The laughter of children in the park playground

The Joyful Lilt Of Laughter

The joyful lilt of laughter is such a marvellous sound
Happiness is in the air where mirth does abound
The people who laugh readily are nice people to know
And it truly can be said of them that their friends in numbers grow

The One Who Has Laughter

Such joy to the people nearby it does bring
The sweet sound of laughter a wonderful thing
The one who has laughter everyone wishes to know
In numbers his or her friends everyday seems to grow

Kookaburras Laughter

Long before most of diurnal wildlife from slumber awake
In the mountain wood two hours before daybreak
The loud unmelodious cackling of the kookaburras one does hear
Though some distance away they do seem rather near

Laughter Is Good For The Mind

Laughter is good for the mind would you not agree
At least anyhow this is how it seems to me
You know when you hear it joy to you is near
The sweet sound of laughter is always pleasant to hear

Is There Laughter, Music, Dance And Song

Is there laughter music, dance and song in the Parish of Millstreet
In the pubs of Cullen and Millstreet Town when friends and families meet
Or have things so changed in Duhallow far away
That I would feel a stranger there today?

Where Laughter Is Abundant

Where laughter is abundant joy in everyone does not bloom
There are lonely people in the crowded room
The community forsaken and the financially down
Are no longer rare in any city or town

The Sweet Sound Of Laughter

To it there is always a joyous ring
The sweet sound of laughter is a beautiful thing
Laugh and the whole World does laugh with you
Words of the wise that remain ever true

The Laughter Of Children A Beautiful Thing

In the park playground children laugh at their play
I used to be like them in a long bygone day
Playing with my young friends many years from our prime
Most of them i have not seen for decades of time

The Laughter Of Children

Out there in the park children laugh, play and sing
The sound of young joy is a wonderful thing
I too had my childhood and I knew of young joy
But 'tis been awhile now since I was a boy

Those With The Gift Of Laughter

You laugh and the whole World seems to laugh with you
And that laughter is the best medicine happens to be true
Some find it hard to laugh as if to laugh is a crime
Though 'tis hard for to be happy all of the time

A Little Joy And Laughter

A little joy and laughter a little grief and tears
And living life would not change that much if you lived for a thousand years
The moments of self confidence the moments of self doubt
The high points and the low points that's what living life's about,

It Is True About Laughter It Keeps Stress At Bay

You have heard of the saying laughing your cares away
It is true about laughter it keeps stress at bay
Those who can laugh easily are lucky indeed
Since laughter in our lives is a thing we do need

It Is True About Laughter

It is true about laughter it keeps worries away
And the one who is happy does laugh every day
Laughter is the seed that blooms to happiness
And is known as the proven antidote to stress

Enjoy Some Fun And Laughter

Do not take yourself too seriously there may not be a hereafter
And life is brief so very brief enjoy some fun and laughter
Constantly thinking of your problems does not lessen your worry
The one who weeps does weep alone and time is on the hurry

I Love To Hear The Sound Of Laughter

I love to hear the sound of laughter it never fails to make my day
The laughter of a happy barroom, the laughter of children at play
Human feelings very different where sorrow is joy not to be found
The happy one does have many friends where laughter is happiness abound

Where The Lilt Of Laughter

Where the lilt of laughter is echoing loud
He is the only sad one in a happy crowd
Sadness can invade the happiest space
Even where laughter abound for it there is a place

One Who Has Laughter

So lucky are those who can laugh every day
That they help to spread happiness seems true to say
Since laughter it is such a beautiful sound
They carry joy with them and share it around


Banish all sad thoughts from your mind to make room for joy and laughter
For this may be the only life you'll have there may not be a
The years go by so quickly and time we cannot borrow

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