In Three Days Poem by Robert Browning

In Three Days

Rating: 3.2


So, I shall see her in three days
And just one night, but nights are short,
Then two long hours, and that is morn.
See how I come, unchanged, unworn!
Feel, where my life broke off from thine,
How fresh the splinters keep and fine,---
Only a touch and we combine!


Too long, this time of year, the days!
But nights, at least the nights are short.
As night shows where ger one moon is,
A hand's-breadth of pure light and bliss,
So life's night gives my lady birth
And my eyes hold her! What is worth
The rest of heaven, the rest of earth?


O loaded curls, release your store
Of warmth and scent, as once before
The tingling hair did, lights and darks
Outbreaking into fairy sparks,
When under curl and curl I pried
After the warmth and scent inside,
Thro' lights and darks how manifold---
The dark inspired, the light controlled
As early Art embrowns the gold.


What great fear, should one say, ``Three days
``That change the world might change as well
``Your fortune; and if joy delays,
``Be happy that no worse befell!''
What small fear, if another says,
``Three days and one short night beside
``May throw no shadow on your ways;
``But years must teem with change untried,
``With chance not easily defied,
``With an end somewhere undescried.''
No fear!---or if a fear be born
This minute, it dies out in scorn.
Fear? I shall see her in three days
And one night, now the nights are short,
Then just two hours, and that is morn.

Khairul Ahsan 12 August 2018

'Only a touch and we combine! ' - Marvelous!

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Aniruddha Pathak 12 August 2019

The poem beautifully comes to its theme, 'No fear! - -or if a fear be born This minute, it dies out in scorn. Fear? I shall see her in three days And one night, now the nights are short, Then just two hours, and that is morn....' Lovely.

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Rajnish Manga 12 August 2018

Great poem of love and longing where the measure of time is checkered one as if to cheat a lover: So, I shall see her in three days And just one night, but nights are short, Then two long hours, and that is morn.

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Mahtab Bangalee 12 August 2018

Here grace of three days could not pacify and beautify the wholeness but short time of night (two hours) ruins the wholeness! mastermind writings

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Michael Walker 12 August 2017

A convincing love poem, with plenty of direct speech, spoken words, that to the effect of anticipation, waiting for three days and one night before he sees her again. Really good.

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Sankaran Ayya 13 August 2020

Feel, where my life broke off from thine, How fresh the splinters keep and fine, - - Only a touch and we combine! - - - Browning is Browning a classic poet ! I was introduced to him through his classic poem My last duchess in my college days. That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive. I call - - - you can get from net interested can read and enjoy the rhyming beauty of Browning - - Kavin Charalan

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Khairul Ahsan 12 August 2020

A few lines of the poem that mesmerized me: 'Only a touch and we combine! ' 'And my eyes hold her! " 'The dark inspired, the light controlled As early Art embrowns the gold'. Congratulations on the poems selection as the 'Poem of the Day'!

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Deepak Kumar Pattanayak 12 August 2020

The longing and how days pass, hours pass then finally comes the moment to beautifully presented by master poet of a master piece 10++

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Mahtab Bangalee 12 August 2020

(- -) but poetic love is very sensitive cause of meeting short night it's true that every true lover feels the night of love is short, too short and night of separation is long, too long poetic fear is here that if the beloved comes with short night and again goes for long separation this shape of loneliness will be very pathetic

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Mahtab Bangalee 12 August 2020

Waiting, waiting after long time only three day after a night short and little night and then two hours in countdown and then the meeting of love with beloved one the lovers waiting long time this darkness, stars twinkling, galaxies grey ways, as if in the dimension of decaying to meet the beloved (- -)

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Robert Browning

Robert Browning

London / England
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