Francis Duggan Soldier Poems

At The Grave Of The Unknown Soldier

He was a brave soldier he died young and brave
And for more than six decades he lay in his grave
And still at the dawning of each war memorial day
At his grave site a young bugler the last post does play.

An Old Soldier

Poor old Freddy is manic depressive but he has earnt all of his phobias and fears
At nineteen he was a young soldier and that's going back six decades of years
Who fought in the trenches of Europe where the most of his brave comrades fell
He doesn't have to fear the hereafter since he has been through earthly hell.

A Soldier And A Man Of Rhyme

At Boesinghe in Belgium Francis Ledwidge fell
Killed there by an exploding shell
And he did not go home again
To Ireland, County Meath and Slane.

Old Soldier

As a young man of twenty to me he did say
I went off to fight in a war far away
To fight against soldiers we were made to believe were our foe
This is going back in time many Seasons ago

Soldier's Tree

They call this tree the Soldier's Tree
It honours one whose life blood was shed
A victim of the First World War
'Lest we forget our soldier dead'.

Another Young Soldier

Another young soldier has died far away
An army representative will call on his mother today
For to tell her your son on the course of his duty has died
He served and died for his Country with his mates at his side.

The Old Soldier Of The Town

He is in his mid eighties his balding head is gray
And it surely can be said of him that he has known a better day
But he is a true battler cannot keep a tough one down
And he will not die easily the old soldier of the Town.

A Decorated Soldier

A decorated soldier of war under gunfire he was brave
But he carried his grudges with him to his grave
His war enemies of the past he could never forgive
A war hero his grudges he did not outlive

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