Dr. Antony Theodore Sleep Poems

Sleep In The Arms Of God

On the banks of Ganges
I sat in a serene and sombre mood
Looking at the playful water
as the wind like a great artist

Can You Sleep Today After Seeing Me Begging?

Do you see me now?

I have no food.
I am hungry and thirsty.

Sleep Very Well

Sleep very well,
my loved one
of my heart.

God Does Not Sleep

Trust in the Lord,
simply trust always.
God loves you and me
in the night and at the dawn.

Sleep Baby Sleep

Sleep baby sleep
May I sing a lullaby.

I am your mum now.

I Shall Wait Till You Sleep

Come to me my soul friend.
Come with me along the flowery path.

I shall lead you by your hand.

In My Sleep I Murmur, "God Come To Me".

I went in search of God.

I went to the highest i could.
Behold! God was far higher

God - Does - Not - Sleep

Are you anxious about your future?
Are you anxious about your family?
Are you anxious about your children?
Are you anxious about your business?

When You Sleep In My Breast

When you sleep in my breast
Why do I need words?
God need not be met with words.

Sleep In Peace

Sleep in hope.
Sleep in peace.
Sleep in grace.

Sleep My Little One

My own,
my flesh
and blood
sleep in the

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