The Gorgeous Of Al- Jabalain's Locality Poem by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker Abdalla

The Gorgeous Of Al- Jabalain's Locality

Living frugally to see the grace of nightfall
The resonance of the twine
The affection of the sunshine
Which is situated on the east bank of the Nile River in southern
Include all villages, which were located adjacent to the White Nile River
And most houses were built with mud bricks
A thick water pipe snakes its way from the Nile River for over two kilometers
Pumping into a large reservoir where thousands of shrub is growing
The tree produces multitudinous saplings a year
A pair of Mountains has a population of overcrowded lineage
Including countless South Sudanese refugees
Rising before dawn
Taking a moment to rejoice what's been made living quiet days
Its sights on the things that truly light up your life
Cultivating peace
Not chasing after glitters for us a tranquil existence
A pair of Mountains reflect the efforts of the local authorities in providing security services for the refugee camps
People are friendly and intimate with an abundance of generosity
The steadfast splendor of enduring light
The moon drifts dimly at heaven's height
Views with greatness how the dust lays so long wrap deep in dark and dew-moist
A smooth summer rain drums on the sunshade
In a fascinating city where everything moves so fast
You could see it from a long space
The heart chides an extra stroke
Destiny had brought me to meet nice folks with a smile and a soft butterfly kiss
like a tune filled with welfare
The feelings under the white hatch
Every raindrop feels like a kiss from heaven
Pair of Mountains, City!
Forever, its swoon acclaim reecho
A snoop of its rowboat is found
You loosen our lips at the tender
White bosom of your mother to hear of its fabulous prettiness and magnificence from uttermost light
To where the last ruffle in thong
Lips of the skirt of the night
But the charming pair of Mountains City hugs us peacefully
You lean over the mountain
And vision, but dim earth, or the twinkle
of the Nile
Unthinkable size, the ash of the one smirches your vision
To irradiate the other brain
The gorgeous pair of Mountains City!
Regardless of Khartoum's war
Your heart will be satisfied like it belongs in the land of joy once more
This is how it will always be! Keep living

The Gorgeous Of Al- Jabalain's Locality
POET'S NOTES ABOUT THE POEM: A written poem is on Wednesday,19 August 2023 This poem is a reflection of Al Jabalain's locality is situated on the east bank of the White Nile River in southern White Nile State. The city of Al-Jabalain is one of the cities of the White Nile State, which is known as one of the Sudanese states that are located in the southern part of the Republic, and is bordered to the north by the state of Khartoum, to the southwest by the state of South Kordofan, to the south by the state of Upper Nile, to the east by the states of Gezira and Sennar, and to the west by the state of North Kordofan, and includes a group of cities, including: Kosti, Al-Qatina, Tandalti, Al-Kawwa, and Naima, in addition to the city of Al-Jabalain, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article and others.
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