Sylvia Frances Chan June Poems

Watching The Flowers In June

Watching The Flowers In June

Watching Flowers in June
their sound is the sublimest tune

My Tune In June....

Who sings this tune?
in the wonderful month of June?

just a song, no prelude

75 Years D-Day On 5 June 2019....

75 Years D-Day on 5 June 2019....
Due to bad weather General Eisenhower commanded (based upon the advice of the 25-years experienced weatherman in Portsmouth)on 4 June THIS DAY must be delayed by 1 DAY, so D-DAY became 6 June 1944, since they departed in the evening of the 5th June and arrived early in the morning at the 6th of June 1944.

Today we commemorate, WE? YOU ALL, D-Day, because, actually, I don't know anything about it, my husband likes to watch the LIVE TV broadcast, he just loves watching war movies, like all other men around the world and this 75 year memorial celebration of D-Day in Portsmouth

Good Morning On This June 1, 2019....

GOOD MORNING ON THIS JUNE 1,2019 at 7: 35 am in the morning Dutch Time
The same as West-European Time.

Please, take a bit time to read this Ordinary News for SPECIAL PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD.

Prayer Tuesday 23 June 2020....

Prayer Tuesday 23 June 2020

Heavenly Father
I belong entirely to You.

My Tune In June....(2)

My Tune In Juneā€¦.(2) ..........i THOUGHT to sing this song under the influence of the romantic moonlight on a cozy terrace in deep Amsterdam with a delicious cup of hot Earl Grey tea, but the true fact is entirely different, please read carefully. Thank you so much
best wishes from Sylvia FC

My tune in June

Prayer Monday 22 June 2020....

Please Pray with me in this PRAYER
God knows no colour, no country, no race
He loves us all with His Greatest Love for mankind,

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