Ramesh T A Culture Poems

As things go on by outward developments of civilization in the modern world,
Life is meaningless without internal developments in heart, mind and soul;
By technology and becoming rich, can we achieve love, joy and peace here?
Only power fights have driven world to face pollution, disease and terrorism!

A Culture For Human Perfection

Just economy, science and technology can't make society progress;
Knowledge of economy and technology can't make education complete
Sans humanities like literature, arts, history and religion anywhere!

Civilization With Culture Can Do Miracles!

Human culture is not just obsolete tradition as many think,
But is best way of life following the system of best thoughts,
Best words and best deeds to fulful the purpose of life here;
It is adopting best knowledge and thoughts of past in use!

Civilisation Or Culture For Good Life?

Best way of living is called culture varying from place to place;
Based on experience knowledge of better living helps a way
To be followed for living a satisfied and lasting life of fun here!
Modern life based on civilisation allows much room for freedom;


Nature by its creations like Nightingale and Skylark birds kindles desire to fly
And sing songs of freedom everywhere in the sky to share joy with all;
Also by its creations like whale and Shark fish kindles desire to swim deep
In the vast seas and oceans of the world to explore hidden treasures!

An Internet Culture!

It unites people,
Creates friendships
And develops love!

Nature, Culture, Art And Poetry For Life!

The living scientific art is Nature created by God;
The frozen depiction of life is Art created by man;
Animals, birds and men are part of Nature sure;
Expression of heart by painting is Art forever!

The Greatest Living Truth In Human Culture!

The Greatest Living Truth in Human Culture!

There is only one God though many worship in many names, forms and many kinds statues;
God has created Nature, life, Stars, planets and all in the vast beautifully silent Universe;

A Modern Culture!

Modern gadgets are eating away vitals of health;
Many have become victims of video games long!
One in England dies playing game for 12 hours
Though sitting in one place to do so before it!

Human Culture Promotes Love For Ultimate Truth!

Interest born of curiosity kindles love of all subjects
To have deep knowledge to know whole and ultimate truth;
That's human culture helping harmonious self development!

For Love Life, Art, Nature And Culture Are A Must!

Like Art neglected, Nature and Culture too are kept in the back
Devoting full time to developments by science and technology
Promoting modernity in favour of Civilization in the world
And that has brought in mechanical life in lieu of love life!

The Culture Of Violence In The World!

Violence has become the common feature of stories
And movies to thrill the audience with actions..!
Nonviolence in stories and movies are boring to
Read and see according to the audience everywhere!

All Can Be Achieved Only By Human Culture!

Humans don't like terrorism, violence and war, but only peace;
Peace needs to be promoted by the efforts of people of all creeds;
Creeds or religions are not for imposing on all but for peace only;
Only by betraying, banishing and extraditing outfits, it is possible!

Civilization Sans Culture Is Incomplete!

Life is still a great mystery as it is not just birth and death all know and accept;
It is a mystery as from where soul comes in birth and to where soul goes after death
No one knows and no one has revealed the truth since time immemorial to man;
That provokes doubts, fear, disillusionment and man's mind is in endless chaos forever!

Friendship Is Best Human Culture!

Friendship is best culture and relationship uniting by love of all relationships;
Relationship of friends is beyond family and brotherly relationships;
Relationship of humans so is the best human culture that unites all beyond barriers;
Barriers of religion, nation, culture, language and class are nothing in friendship!

Culture The Bridge Between Paradise And Heaven!

Culture is following best knowledge of arts, science, literature and philosophy;
Knowledge of life, world, Nature and Universe with the vision of the whole
One has an ambition to achieve in life as culture aiming for perfection;
Life of culture follows best thoughts, best talks and best action for completion!

Culture Or Civilization?

Doing everything with care is culture that makes one enjoy work with involvement;
But mechanically finishing work is civilization with no human touch among machines;
Culture and civilization are like human and machine job of life in the modern world;
Material gain or spiritual satisfaction of one lies in choosing civilization or culture!

Culture Helps Harmonious Human Perfection!

News full of crimes and wars, occupation of work with disturbances and all
Dealings with adamant fellows make one lose peace of mind in life needing relief;
Melodious musical songs and beauty of Nature only give sense of relief at last;
If music is not up to the mark and Nature polluted, nowhere to go for peace in world!

Friendship Is International Culture Of Modern World!

Sans companions nations and men can't get strength to deal matters in world and life;
Lonely ones can wait and watch changes in Nature to correct things for the better;
Others have to indulge in listening to enthusiastic music to regain lost mood again;
For higher ones, they can indulge in dreams of great Poetry to create ideas invaluable!

Wisdom Of Ancient Culture!

Wisdom of Ancient Culture!

Ancient Indian religion says by Hinduism that world is one family of God;
Nature of justice followed by love is honoured by culture is blessed by anemone;

Best Culture!

A Constitution Of Culture

A Best Culture

Flowers are the smiles of plants and trees
Like the morning Sunshine creates brightness!
Sweet smiles of everyone is the bright side of one
That should not be hidden from the public's eye;

The Case Of Modernity Sans Human Culture!

Empowered by education and job, ladies live independently
Sans assistance, support and protection from others in
The fast moving modern world mostly everywhere now sure!

Spreading Best Of Knowledge To Worldis Human Culture!

It's very rare to get the living presence of a friend like Coleridge
For Wordsworth to get all information more than from knowledge of books and they wrote Lyrical Ballads with Wordsworth writing on Nature and Coleridge on Supernatural theme with greatest success!

In Prelude, Wordsworth wrote all plan of action about Life, Society, Nature and so on he wanted to Write a great book in epic proportion


Dream of love life is eternally possible, even if span of life
Is short by passing it to the chosen loved ones to pass it on
Culturally to belod and fellow humans to generation after so on
And Realize in life to live a life of paradise and heaven sure!

A Best Culture Of The World!

Family life
Is the best culture

Culture And Civilisation

Culture cherishes where there is pastoral life;
All Epics and classics speak about that life.
Civilisation of court life is hypocritical, false;
Pastoral life of country side is true, natural!

Humour playing main role in love all befriend all ever
With smile and laughter engulfing society enjoy life;
Lack of such an atmosphere never allows love and peace
But only hatred, enmity, rivalry, violence and wars!

Cherish Best Way Of Human Life As Culture In Nature!

Romantic love is beautiful dream and in real life ever
To enjoy in Natural surrounding we cherish in heart like
Paradise can be called as Brindavan where Radha & Krishna
Dance in bliss by divine music of Lord Krishna in peace!

A Real Living Culture Everywhere In The World!

Following best things in life is human culture everywhere;
Culture of each country in the world shows its richness;
Offering water, tea or coffee to visitors first is india
Culture like wine is offered as European culture in West!

Discipline Important For Human Culture!

Disciplined way of living is what human culture inculcates;
Discipline helps to think, say and do all beautifully ever;
The discipline of keeping oneself clean and alert is basic;
Education and training sans this base can't overcome mishaps!


Only savages and wild animals fight killing each other for
Food, territorial aggression and domination of others ever;
Slowly such beings realized the importance of safety, peace,
Security and good end in life and that became culture sure!

Civilization Without Culture Is A Sheer Waste!

All neglect Nature, literature, art, history and culture in the
Commercialized modern world of civilization ever rushing
And working for money believing it easy to buy all needed
For survival and sustenance sans any problem what so ever!

Human Culture For All Aspects Of Development!

Culture covers all aspects of human life assimilating
Best ideas of all subjects for use in thoughts, words
And deeds whether they are arts or sciences, literature
Or history, religion or philosophy, politics or office!

From archaeological excavations, explorations of inscriptions
Carved on the walls of temples in the East and pyramids in West
And colossal statues of world places we come to know vital and
Valuable information about glory of past civilizations of world!

Lead The World By Spiritual Culture!

Wayward youths wasting time in useless matters are
Simply losing great opportunity in life to do best
Of their ability in nothingness due to lack of a
Good ambition serving as driving force to do great!

Human Culture For Completion In Life!

Comprehensive pursuit of knowledge develops personality,
Intellect and intuition to know facts accurately to know
The whole truth and passing it on to close ones is culture!

Cherish And Foster Human Culture!

Human sense, emotion, compassion, empathy, passion and love
Are mark of good human nature to be fostered and encouraged;
Jealousy, lust, partiality, parochialism and possessiveness
Are dark side of human nature need to be corrected since long!

Preserve Nature, Art And Culture For Paradise Of Life!

Nature, art and culture have to be preserved, practised
And followed to make life to be joyful to live in world;
Without them, only machine world can stay here slowly
Destroying natural resources for food, fuel and things!

Creativity By Adventure Should Save Nature, Art And Culture!

Adventure facilitates creativity and inventiveness into
Play to find new ideas and ways to make progress possible
In a mission new and essential in the advancement of man!

End Weapons Culture For Safe Democracy!

Parliamentary democratic countries and army controlled democratic
Ones go ill together, if terrorist outfits thrive with the latter;
If people's representatives don't have power, that democracy is
Just a puppet one needing strong reforms to function rightfully!

Preserve Nature, Art And Culture!

Nature is forever the living scientific art of the divine power
Present within all activating everything everywhere in the Universe;
But frozen art of action of artist gives form to formless Universal
Spirit expresses scientific truth too in temple architectural beauty!

Only Man Of Culture Of Humanity Can Form One World Union!

Population of humanity is majority in all nations of the world;
With their real capacity and power, they can achieve anything;
But, due to their obedience to seniors and leaders, they are
Ever kept as underdogs unable to do anything extraordinary sure!

Kiss Is A World Culture!

Kiss is the expression of love one shows to another one;
Kiss is the appreciation of one to another one as praise;
Kiss is a mark or seal of love one makes to another one;
Kiss is the expression of heart unique among humans ever!

Culture-Less Enjoyment Of Pleasure Sans Romanticism!

The difficulty of classical dance due to its creeping
To ancient extinct language like Sanskrit or Latin has
Been made easy by modern version of dances leading to
Its deterioration by cinematic erotic dances spoiling all!

Civilization Sans Culture!

Love and friendship only cultural activities can promote;
Civilization, technology and business trigger competition
Promoting animal nature only and not human nature ever!

A Great National Culture!

Only a great nation has confluence of cultures
Linking with each other in a unique way as one!
Such a nation only fosters universal brotherhood
Taking the whole world as one family forever...!

Charm Of Culture Attracts!

Holidays give the chance to roam about
Everywhere all like in some town remote!
Far away from the madding city all like
A small town with all facilities of a city!

Romantic cinema culture making believe reel life as real life rules all;
Dialogues of superstars, stage talks of politicians make all talk so now;
The irony is no vernacular language of nation has developed like English
With more than million words accrued to its dictionary for various uses!

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